RE: "drug dealers"
Yes exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself.
i have joint custody of my two children with my ex husband who is still raising the kids on his time as jws.
my 11 year old claims she is getting baptized at the next assembly.
i have heard that i can write a letter to the boe and say that i oppose her getting baptized before she is 18. is that true?
RE: "drug dealers"
Yes exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself.
this is my first post here.. first a few details about myself.
i am 33, married, from switzerland and i have a little baby boy.
i am still a jehovah's witness and i am still attending the meetings.
I have a hard time taking any of this seriously. Jehovah's witness are a failed social experiment and why would anyone take any of this crap serious???
Shunning is awesome. That guy is a total friggin rocket scientist.
when the publishing company says that its an issue of conscience it begs the on gods green earth can you make a decision of conscience when you have been manipulated and twisted and distorted by ridiculous group think.. how can you make a decision of conscience when your perception of reality is based on trickery, lies, deceipt and isolation.
how can you make a decision of conscience when you are sold down the river by a cult.. you cannot build your house upon the sand.
well you can but it will get washed away.
How on god’s green earth can you make a decision of “conscience” when you have been manipulated and twisted and distorted by ridiculous group think.
How can you make a decision of “conscience” when your perception of reality is based on trickery, lies, deceipt and isolation. How can you make a decision of “conscience” when you are sold down the river by a cult.
YOU cannot build your house upon the sand. Well you can but it will get washed away. Sorry about that.
August 23, 2011 under Psych Ops
RE: Video....Who listens to that crap????...Unbelievable...that lady needs to mind his own damn business. What a pompous ass.
When you no longer provide them opportunity they will cut you off because they are not getting the narcissistic supply. They may go away for several months. They may stalk you and harass you. they may surrender and promise to do anything for a period of time in order to reestablish the relationship. But it’s only for a time. Above all they have to have their narcissistic supply and they cannot be helped. They establish inverted mirrors or co dependencies with the people in their life and they pretty much cut all other people off. And if you don’t succumb to this inverted mirror co dependency then they will cut you off. It’s as simple as that. And they will do this to everyone in their life. This is not unlike the jehova witness clan and what they teach their corporate constituents. It’s exactly the same process. How a JW treats it’s non compliant victims and how a Narcissist treats it’s inverted mirrors that refuse to provide narcissistic supply is exactly the same.
167,000 people cast off annually by the jw's; the number of broken and destroyed families grows to the millions?28 million dollars defending child endangerment?
are you kidding me?10's of millions "mentally diseased apostates" undermining the real estate laundering corporation?800 million in real estate sold in brooklyn *recently* by the jw ficticious business name statement?jehovah witness corporation crawling on its belly like a reptile to upstate new york?big money to be made eating the eyeballs out of the corporation?new tales of jw horror published daily?
Frankie.....Moore's law is a good one.
Using a Neuro peptide model to explain the dynamics of a narcissist jw (drug addict) and their hunt for narcissistic supply (drug)
This is what the narcissist is after and this is what the inverted mirror to the narcissist supplies. It’s a predicable dynamic and it is an all or none response. It happens almost instantly. Model similarly applied to any other drug addict with a codependent supplier.
reference: D Siegel, M Hartzell. "Parenting From the inside out. How a deeper understanding can help raise children who thrive." Jeremy Parcher, Penguin. New York.
Maybe the Gov Bo's want to close down some kingdom holes and launder more real estate. 800 million isn't enough!
It's an insult to Kool Aide!
At least Kool Aide Stands for something!
that's friggin awesome!!! total awesomeness.